Možnosti efektívneho využitia elektronických informačných ...
19.11.2024 od 17:00
online webinár, link v texte
Dear ESPRM Delegates,
We are pleased to inform you that a 4th edition of BIOMECHANICS4REHAB on-Line course, under the supervision of ESPRM, is going to take place.
The course main topic is BIOMECHANICAL ASSESSMENT as an important tool for PRM Physicians.
It is now open for enrollment through the following link: (English version) (Spanish version)
The dates in which it is going to take place are, from the May 25th to July 24th 2020 (40 hours in total).
For further information, please find attached the letter addressed to you by Prof. Enrique Varela-Donoso (ESPRM liaison officer for Biomechanis4Rehab course).
Best regards,
Meri Pedron
ESPRM Secretariat Assistant
online webinár, link v texte
webinár s profesorom Leventom Ozcakarom
Congress Hotel Centrum, Košice
pre lekárov – fyziatrov a fyzioterapeutov
Miesto konania: Kúpele Sliač