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19.11.2024 od 17:00
online webinár, link v texte
Vážené kolegyne,
Dear European colleagues interested in participating to ESPRM SISC for PRM in Children,
I would like to invite you to the first online meeting on April 23rd at 5 pm (CET), 6 pm (EET).
– to introduce ourselves
– to build a network of PRM specialist working with children and adolescents in Europe
– to discuss and plan our activities for the next two years
Please click below blue link to enter the meeting:
Microsoft Teams -meeting
Liity kokoukseen napsauttamalla tätä
Please, find the attached ppt slides about our SISC. It was presented in the last ESPRM online meeting March 18th.
I hope to see you all online in a month. If you are not able to join the meeting, but still want to be part of the SISC, please let me know.
Best regards,
Minna Ståhl and Ivana Petronic Markovic
online webinár, link v texte
webinár s profesorom Leventom Ozcakarom
Congress Hotel Centrum, Košice
pre lekárov – fyziatrov a fyzioterapeutov
Miesto konania: Kúpele Sliač