Možnosti efektívneho využitia elektronických informačných ...
19.11.2024 od 17:00
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Dear National Managers,
We would like to inform you that the European Board of PRM will support the registration of 15 trainees to the Euro Mediterranean Rehabilitation Summer School (EMRSS) ( to be held on November 13-16, 2022 in Syracuse, Italy (the program is attached). Trainees selected by the European PRM Board will benefit from free registration, coffee breaks, lunch, and accommodation in Syracuse, whereas they will have to cover travel expenses and the costs of dinners.
We would request you to propose two trainees (with names, emails, and trainee registration number to the European Board of PRM-registration to the EBPRM is possible at
We would like to extend our sincere thanks to you for your kind collaboration regarding this significant educational activity for trainees.
Wishing you a healthy and happy summer,
online webinár, link v texte
webinár s profesorom Leventom Ozcakarom
Congress Hotel Centrum, Košice
pre lekárov – fyziatrov a fyzioterapeutov
Miesto konania: Kúpele Sliač