Možnosti efektívneho využitia elektronických informačných ...
19.11.2024 od 17:00
online webinár, link v texte
#ISPRM is planning a series of live-events to inform and facilitate communication in these difficult times. Please check our new page:
Save the date for the upcoming #ISPRMWebinar on Friday, May 8th, at noon (12:00 PM EST)
Link to registration will be announced soon!
Also, remember to access our Forum: ISPRM Resource Center – COVID-19 and share your experience during this pandemic. Visit:
online webinár, link v texte
webinár s profesorom Leventom Ozcakarom
Congress Hotel Centrum, Košice
pre lekárov – fyziatrov a fyzioterapeutov
Miesto konania: Kúpele Sliač