Systém vyhľadávania európskeho ekvivalentu lieku z Ukrajiny




Dobrý deň prajem,

Dovoľte nám, prosím, zdieľať s vami pomôcku pripravenú spoločnosťou IQVIA, ktorá vytvorila systém vyhľadávania európskeho ekvivalentu lieku v jednej zo 14tich vybraných krajín, podľa ukrajinského názvu lieku/molekuly. Systém by mohol pomôcť s identifikáciou dostupných balení liekov, ktoré pacienti užívali v domovskej krajine.

Pomôcka je určená pre zdravotníckych pracovníkov, lekárnikov, pacientov alebo poskytovateľov služieb v snahe umožniť pacientom z Ukrajiny pokračovať v ich liečbe v novej krajine.

Link na stránku spoločnosť IQVIA poskytla tento týždeň aj WHO. Prosíme vás o jeho uverejnenie, prípadne zdieľanie s vašimi členmi a partnermi.

Ďakujeme za pomoc

S pozdravom


Martina Medová

Project Manager


AIFP Slovakia

Prievozská 4

821 09 Bratislava

Mobile phone: +421 918 181218





Dear WHO team,


The website for the translation of scrip information is now live. We are sending out notification to relevant governments, pharmacist associations, industry associations, etc this morning. This is our cover letter


Dear friends

The situation in Ukraine is resulting in a million waves of refugees into many countries. One issue is naturally the continuation of existing medical treatment. IQVIA, the leading provider of market information about pharmaceuticals, using IQVIA and Ukraine data from Proxima, has set up a “Script Translator”. Simply, if you input a Ukraine product name or molecule name and other relevant information, you get a listing of what products in the one from selected 14 available countries has the same molecule, form, and strength. This is an aid for health care professionals, pharmacists, patients or service providers to decide how to continue the treatment in the new country.


The link to the website is :


Please forward this to who you think might need it including government bodies, Ministry of Health, National Health Found, Doctor Association, Pharmacy Association, Manufacturer Association, government and non-profit organizations coordinating help for refugees. Local communication to our data source partners and clients can follow as well. You can check also is possible to share or include this link via software houses directly with doctors and pharmacists.


Feel free to distribute it further.


We will also this week send you some further analysis on;

  • What products are used in Ukraine but not in the recipient countries. What are the volumes used per 100 000 population
  • What are the company origin of companies supplying Ukraine today
  • We are monitoring the change in demand in the countries that has the largest number of refugees


IQVIA is performing clinical trials in Ukraine today. Special actions have also been taken for those patients


We are looking forward to your further questions and comments


Per Troein

VP Strategic Partners


Learn more about IQVIA


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